Learn how other asset classes like stocks, bonds and commodities can affect the foreign exchange market.

The U.S. Dollar Index

If U.S. stocks have an index, so does the U.S. dollar! Read up on the dollar index and learn how you can use it in your trading!

  1. The Global Role of the U.S. Dollar

    Learn the key aspects of the dollar’s global role and explore the factors that contribute to its enduring appeal.

  2. What is the US Dollar Index (USDX)?

    The dollar index is made up of six foreign currencies and includes 24 countries.

  3. How to Read the US Dollar Index

    Be as awesome as Queen Cleopiptra and learn how to read the U.S. dollar index!

  4. How to Use the USDX for Forex Trading

    Whenever you feel doubtful of the market outlook for the U.S. dollar, look no further than the U.S. dollar index because it will provide a clearer picture!

  5. Trade Weighted Dollar Index

    The Fed wanted to measure the dollar’s value more accurately so they came up with the Trade-weighted dollar index. How is it different from the U.S. dollar index?

  6. Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index

    The Bloomberg Dollar Spot Index (BBDXY) tracks the performance of a basket of 10 global currencies against the U.S. dollar.

  7. The Dollar Smile Theory

    Have you ever wondered why the dollar rallies in the good times and in the bad? Smile! You’re about to find out why.

Intermarket Correlations

Just because you’re a piptastic forex trader, that doesn’t mean you should only keep tabs on the currency market. Learn how the commodities, bonds, and equities markets affect forex!

  1. How Gold Affects AUD/USD and USD/CHF

    Some currencies share a positive relationship with gold; the dollar usually doesn’t. Why is this?

  2. How Oil Moves with USD/CAD

    Get the lowdown on why investors “Go Loonie” when oil prices shoot up!

  3. The U.S. Dollar And Oil Relationship Is Changing

    The U.S. dollar has historically been inversely correlated to movements in the oil price, but this relationship is now changing.

  4. How Bond Yields Affect Currency Movements

    What do you call “IOU” statements that countries issue when they need to borrow money? They’re bonds… government bonds.

  5. How Bond Spreads Between Two Countries Affect Their Exchange Rate

    Did you know that you can also pull off carry trades on bonds?

  6. How Fixed Income Securities Affect Currency Movements

    What are Euribors and gilts? (Clue: They are not fancy medieval weapons.)

Using Equities to Trade FX

Equities are like crystal balls – they can help you predict the future of currencies.

  1. Forex and Global Equity Markets

    Learn all about the Dow, S&P500, NASDAQ, and other major global equity indices!

  2. The Relationship Between Stocks and Forex

    Does the equity market lead the currency market or is it the other way around?

  3. How the Stock Market Affects the Forex Market

    Just like many people on your friends list, the relationship status of USD/JPY to the Dow and Nikkei can be complicated. But only a little bit.

  4. How to Use EUR/JPY as a Leading Indicator for Stocks

    EUR/JPY tends to rise when confidence in the global economy is up and falls when confidence is down. Don’t believe us? Check out these spankin’ charts!

  5. Intermarket Analysis Cheat Sheet

    Everything you need to know about intermarket correlations in this neat cheat sheet!

Country Profiles

Get ready to go around the world… (hopefully) in less than 80 days! Learn about the economies of the 8 major currencies!

  1. The Forex Trader’s Guide to Major Economies

    More important than the geeky facts and figures, you’ll learn about trading tactics–along with a few bits of cool trivia that you can use on awkward dates.

  2. United States of America

    Ever wonder why the dollar is called the “buck?” Wonder no more!

  3. Eurozone

    Quick! Can you name the countries that make up the Euroland? Clue: There are seventeen of them.

  4. United Kingdom

    The U.K. has the bragging right in having the oldest central bank in the world. Word.

  5. Japan

    Japan made it up the list of the most advanced economies because of its massive exports. Can you imagine a world without karaoke, the Gameboy, or the Prius? That’s right, we didn’t think so.

  6. Canada

    Unlike other central banks, the Bank of Canada doesn’t have a set schedule to make changes on its policies. Canadian central bankers can alter monetary policy whenever they want. Like a boss!

  7. Australia

    If you’re scratching your head for a good currency to use on a carry trade, look no further than the Aussie!

  8. New Zealand

    New Zealand’s economy may be small, but it’s a big playa in international trade! Get to know more about the pocket rocket of the bunch!

  9. Switzerland

    Swiss watches are popular for a reason. Trivia question: Did you know that watches contribute a huge chunk to Switzerland’s GDP?

  10. China

    From sports, to space travel, to economic might, China is slowly crawling its way up the leader boards!