Introducing the financial markets

Ideal as a first step into the world of trading, this course takes you on a tour of the financial markets – including shares, indices, forex and commodities – equipping you with the essentials every trader needs to know.

  1. What is financial trading?
  2. Why trade?
  3. What are shares?
  4. Trading shares
  5. What are stock indices?
  6. Trading stock indices
  7. What is forex?
  8. Trading forex
  9. What are commodities?
  10. Trading commodities

How does trading work?

In this course we give you some key insights into the mechanisms of the trading world. We start with who’s who: the people who make things happen and how you’re connected with them.

  1. Who’s involved in trading?
  2. Other market participants
  3. Buying and selling
  4. What spreads mean for traders
  5. Going long and short
  6. Why do traders go short?

Orders, execution and leverage

In this course we guide you through the process of actually placing a trade, touching on some key trading concepts along the way.

  1. What is an order?
  2. Using stop orders
  3. How are orders executed?
  4. How are orders priced?
  5. What is leverage?
  6. Margin calls

Planning and risk management

Ask any successful trader for their top tips, and you can be sure one of them will be to stick to a clear trading strategy. Here we explain the tools and techniques you can use to guide your trading decisions, showing you how to create a plan that’s tailor-made for you and your personal goals.

  1. What is a trading plan?
  2. How to make a trading plan
  3. What is risk management?
  4. Ways to manage risk: part one
  5. Ways to manage risk: part two
  6. Choosing your trading style
  7. Position and swing trading
  8. Day trading and scalping

Trading psychology

Psychology can have a surprisingly powerful influence over your success as a trader. Emotional responses can even undo all the good work you’ve put into studying the markets and planning your strategy – so it’s important to know how to stop this happening.

  1. Controlling emotions that hold you back
  2. Controlling emotions that entice you to trade
  3. Controlling emotions that cloud your judgment
  4. Developing an unbiased, positive approach
  5. Common trading mistakes: part one
  6. Common trading mistakes: part two
  7. Common trading mistakes: part three